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Scenario Planning in a Box

Writer's picture: Tarun DurgaTarun Durga

I'd like to introduce you to Stories of the Future - Scenario Planning in a Box.

This is our productised offering to help organizations plan successful transformations. Stories of the Future has been replicated for different requirements and continues to perform flawlessly. It's also the most fun you'll have with strategic planning.

What is it?

A hyper-collaborative, super relevant & structured process to identify how decisions around major organizational transformations may pan out over 3-7 years. These transformations can be around technology, brand, culture or diversifications. The final outcome is a transformation roadmap for the best possible scenario.

Why does it matter?

The world is VUCA. 90% transformations fail for a number of significant yet unforeseen reasons. Stories of the Future brings stability to long term plans by enabling organisations to become aware of critical uncertainties. It also provides them with 4 plausible and sharply contextual scenarios over a specified time period - any and all (to different degrees) of these can take the shape of their decisions. Armed with a bag of signals, leaders can not only identify which scenarios are becoming dominant, but can also proactively reverse engineer and design the preferred future.

Some Deliverables

  1. Signals of the Future

  2. Drivers of Change

  3. Upto 4 Strategic Scenarios

  4. Evocative Narratives and Artefacts of the Future

  5. Transformation Roadmap


Workshop led intervention. Utilises internal and external SMEs as well as secondary research. Works best with 7-15 client stakeholders over 5-6 workshops of 2 hours each.


3-5 weeks depending on the shape of final deliverables

Use Cases

  1. How will AI impact our business and how should we prepare for it?

  2. What will be the impact of this major tech transformation on the value chain?

  3. Should we shape the brand like A or B?

  4. How should we diversify to ensure market leadership in the next 5 years?

  5. How will XYZ macro trend change our customers over the next 7 years and how will we stay relevant?

  6. What should we be communicating in the next 3 years through our various media channels?

  7. How should we structure our digital transformation roadmap to limit the amount of friction?

Get in touch folks and allow us to implement Stories of the Future for your organization. If you are a solutions provider, we can partner together and run this for your clients. Stories of the Future helps organizations with strategic planning (medium and complex transformations), builds a transformation pipeline and also ensures you a seat at the table when key strategic decisions are being made.

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